Summer Varieties

We carry 896 plants that match your search request. We've included all matches below. Click on any plant to learn additional details.

Bear's Breeches
American Sweetflag
Ornamental Onion
Ornamental Onion
Blue Star Flower
Japanese Anemone
Butterfly Milkweed
Purple-Stemmed Aster
Deciduous Native Azalea
Chinese Ground Orchid
Blue Grama Grass
White American Beauty Berry
Japanese Beauty Berry Bush
Bristly Sedge
Gray's Sedge
Northern Catalpa
Evergreen Clematis
Sweet Autumn Clematis
threadleaf coreopsis
Lanceleaf Coreopsis
Purple Smoke Tree
Ice Plant-Purple
Gold Dew Tufted Hair Grass
Showy Tick-Treefoil
Fern-Leaf Bleeding Heart
Pale Purple Coneflower
Yellow Coneflower
Purple Coneflower
Virginia Wildrye
Rattlesnake Master
Hollow Joe-pye Weed
Sweet Tea Mountain Gordlinia
Kentucky Coffeetree
Willow Leaf Sunflower Hybrid
Hairy Alum Root
Plantain Lily
Plantain Lily
Hosta, Plantain Lily
Striped Japanese Iris
Northern Blue Flag Iris
Southern Blue Flag
Blue Star Creeper
Virginia Sweetspire
Appalachian Blazing Star
Creeping Lily-turf
Great Blue Lobelia
Leatherleaf Mahonia
Creeping Mazus
Eastern Beebalm
Spotted Beebalm
Hardy Banana
Narrow-Leaf Sundrops
Native Switch Grass
Dwarf Garden Phlox
Appalachian Mountain Mint
Hoary Mountain Mint
Short-Toothed Mountain Mint
Hairy Mountain Mint
Virginia Mountain Mint
Cutleaf Coneflower
Strawberry Geranium
Autumn Stonecrop sedum
Hens and Chicks
Starry Campion
Japanese Snowbell
Brazilian Verbena
Upland Ironweed
Veronica Speedwell
Variegated Mound Lily